Who are you? Seriously? Do I even know you? Why are you trying to add me on Facebook? 

What would make this whole experience less painful is if Facebook were to amend its restrictions on profile viewing. I understand the need for privacy settings, obviously I don’t want complete strangers being able to view my entire world – but surely if you are adding me then you clearly believe we are friends. So, on that basis, I should be allowed to view your profile in its entirety before deciding if I want to accept your extension of friendship? The whole friend thing can be quite a stress inducing ordeal. At what point does it become acceptable to send a Friend Invite. Do we have to spend a certain amount of time together? Is a single interaction at a 3rd party event enough grounds to add you to my inner circle? In someways the whole thing is quite stalker-esque. I can understand that for 10% of your connections, it presents a useful way of keeping in touch, and what with the ever shrinking world, a way to keep up to date with your close friends life changing experiences on the other side of the world. But let’s be honest – beyond that, it’s a method by which we can judge others and engorge our own egos, perv on bikini photos and laugh at people who have ballooned since high school.

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